Wednesday, October 22, 2008

i have to say my favorite book (besides twilight of course) is The Wizard of Oz.


Forsberg said...

Did Kasey say this sometime in class, or was this another conversation? Is this Kenzie? The Wizard of Oz is a classic that has spanned decades, so maybe she just doesn't think Twilight will have the same staying power the Wizard of Oz has had.
-Mrs. Forsberg

Forsberg said...

It wasn't me! I never read the Wizard of Oz (I didn't even know it was a book until now...).

- Kasey

Forsberg said...

why i'm exploring this dark corner of the web i'll never know, but yeah i guess the wizard of oz is alright. -JK

Forsberg said...

how can you not no that the wizard of OZ is actually a book. its one of the most classic books ever. Way better than some of the crap thats being written now.
