Monday, December 8, 2008

Sixth Grade Nickname Game

Title: Sixth Grade Nickname Game
Author: Gordon Korman
Pages: 154

I've owned Sixth Grade Nickname Game for two years; when I was on a Battle of the Books team, it was on my list of books to read. And, as can be expected of me..I never read it, and I never brought it back.

Last weekend the DSL was out of control, leaving me bored and without a stable internet connection. I picked up the first book I found and started flipping through the pages. Enticed, I went back to the beginning and spent a little while each day over the weekend reading. How sad it is that I never started when I first received it!

Sixth Grade Nickname Game is about two sixth graders - Jeff and Wiley - who, obviously, are notorious for sticking nicknames onto everyone they know. They've been best friends for all eleven years of their life and have never done something without the other. Inseperable, they are.

..That is, until their teacher retires and is replaced with a ginormous foot ball coach, dubbed Mr. Huge. Until the school's biggest snoop challenges them to nickname the most bland, boring guy around. Until Cassandra, the cute, wacky, animal-loving girl joins their class and turns their world upsidedown.

Cassandra especially comes across as a threat with her unusual charm, and it's up to Jeff and Wiley to keep their string of friendship tied. Not to mention their reputation as the nicknamers, and their new teacher's job are at stake!

If you'd like to read it yourself, I'm willing to lend you my copy. You know the drill; take good care of it.

- Kasey

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