Sunday, November 30, 2008

Island of the Blue Dolphins

Title is up there, obviously. The author is Scott O'Dell and it's a book very similar to Hatchet. There are 184 pages and it's a moderately easy read. There wasn't much dialogue used, but this book is deep and detailed, which is awesome. There were a few twists and an honest to goodness ending that doesn't leave you hanging. I seriously hate those sorts of books. The storyline is about an Indian tribe that leaves behind a girl named Karana, who ends up living there alone for years. It was super interesting and a relatively fast read. Check it out.


P.S. It's a Newberry Award Winner book. That has to mean something, right?

1 comment:

Forsberg said...


These type of books bring straight to Madagascar. :) hahaha. I think of people getting left behind in desert islands. I've heard about The Hatchet when I was in Battle of The Books, and I've read, The Cay, a somewhat similar story. The Island of The Blue Dolphins sounds interesting, especially when I'm trying to find out what she would use as her everyday needs. Does the title have something significant to do with the island, or do I have to read to find out ? ;)
