Friday, October 24, 2008

JEDI vs. Spartan vs. vampire

Jeremy , Kenzie, and I have a disagreement. Say who you think is more powerful between JEDI Spartan and vampire and why



Forsberg said...

to get the conversation started I will say that jedi are stronger than vampires because you kill a vampire by stabbing them in the heart and a jedi has a lightsaber. A jedi can hold a vampire against a wall with the force and stab them to death without even getting a scratch. As for spartans, jedi might not be able to kill spartans but they can just flee if they have to and force sprint away. While a jedi is force sprinting they can make it about aquarter mile before anyone realizes whats happening

Forsberg said...

Starwars: Dark side for life.
300: Never saw the movie
Twilight: I posted my thoughts on that elsewhere.

Let's go with......

